
Welcome to the PICU!

We are so happy to have you joining us! This is a demanding rotation, but it will be very rewarding and educational.

Before you start the rotation, please do the following.

  • Read the Welcome letter (there are separate ones for residents, fellows, and Medical students)

  • Read the PICU PICU Survival Guide 2024

  • Download the PICU Passport - see the PICU passport User Guide below

  • Review the PICU Trainee schedule

  • Access your SCCM learning modules

  • Review and add to your favorites useful power plans

  • Need quick help on a topic? See educational sections for quick guides on various topics, and visit the online resources page.

  • Complete Post Orientation Attestation and Quiz REQUIRED FOR RESIDENTS/STUDENTS

Welcome Letters

PICU Survival Guide

PICU Survival Guide 2024

PICU Passport

PICU Passport

Trainee Schedule

Trainee schedule 2024-5

Once you’ve finished reviewing the orientation materials, click the button below to take the Attestation Quiz and put your new knowledge to the test!